Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Inside a Minute...

This is what happens when there is no work or if there is work :D, take a look inside the mind of a techie..

haaah.. What a dull morning.. have to complete the work today man.. what no wait check mail.. hmmm no messages .. crap.. why is that.. ok... wait check the photos.. oooh hot .. censored censored.. no wait.. hmmm... remote access.. okk.. wait forgot the coffee... o get some.. its so far... deadline's tomorrow... why is that.. which laptop should I buy ... hp should be good.. let's play a game.. morpheus might be... okk... hey chat friend.. oooohhh... sure wait lemme send this mail first... ok that's 53k.. hmmm costly yet I can do my work from home.. I'm hungry... don't know what's there in lunch.. ok.. must be something good... hmmm... why do I not have agirlfriend.. mil jayegi.. have to service my bik man. .wait 160 GB of USB disk would be cool.. yeah that way I can spen less on my laptop.. hmmm... fine... aah coffee... hey it's lunch time gotta go...................

1 comment:

Kakshi said...

PERFECT!! Thats so so so very true!! Hahaha!! I could relate to it almost immediately!! Except for the special guy thingy!!(The hot photos ;).. hehehe)